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​​​September 2024 -​​

  • Sept 22nd: 7pm Stake youth fireside,  faith building experiences during youth conference, girls camp, and Aaronic Priesthood camp. Please send all photos to

  • Sept 27: Ward Potluck Campout

  • Sep 28th: Monmouth Stake Dance for youth


October 2024 -

  • Oct TBD: 7 - 8:30 pm Stake Youth FSY Fireside

  • Oct 5th - 6th: General Conference

  • Oct 13th: Seminary Devotional

  • Oct 13th: Ward Primary Program

  • ​Oct 13th & 20th: 2nd hour teacher council

  • Oct 19th: TBD Saturday Stake Youth Service Project, Senior Supper

  • Oct 20th: 6-7 pm Stake General Priesthood Meeting

  • Oct 26th: Monmouth Stake Dance for youth

  • Oct 27th: Worldwide Event for Youth

  • Oct 29th - Nov 1st: The Stake Relief Society has extended an invitation to women in all wards and at all stages of their spiritual journey to visit the Portland Oregon Temple


November 2024 -

  • Nov TBD: Friendsgiving Event

  • Nov 2nd: 9 - 12 pm Stake RS Activity

  • Nov 3rd: Worldwide Devotional for Young Adults with Elder David A. Bednar and Sister Susan K. Bednar

  • Nov 8th: Salem Stake Dance for youth

  • Nov 10th: 7 pm Stake Youth Fireside

  • Nov 12th: Stake High Priest Quorum Meeting

  • Nov 16: Church Music Festival from Temple Square

  • Nov TBD: Seminaries and Institutes Annual Broadcast

  • Nov TBD:  Luz de Las Naciones


December 2024 -

  • Stake Missionary Breakfast for Missionaries in Salem Zone, 8:30 - 10:30 Saturday

  • Dec 7th: Keizer Stake Winter Ball for youth

  • Dec 8th: 5 pm Sunday First Presidency Christmas Devotional

  • Dec 12th – 14th: Tabernacle Choir Christmas Concert at Temple Square

  • Dec 15th: 6-8 pm Sunday Stake Christmas Devotional

  • Dec 25th: Christmas Day



Official Church News Bulletin​


  • Activity days will be the Second and fourth Wednesday from 7 to 8 PM at the church. If parents have any questions they can call Jessica Ritchie 503-881-1116

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  • Linger Longer after church every last Sunday each month.

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  • The weekly Adult Institute meet at 10:30am each Thursday in the Young Woman's room.

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  • First and Third Tuesdays at 6pm are stake temple recommend interviews


  • Breakfast Sign-ups:


  • This upcoming week, August 27th - Sign up to bring food for staff breakfast, drop off at Stake Center at 7:30am 

  • South Salem High School 

  • Sprague High School


  • This upcoming week, August 29th- Sign up to bring food for staff breakfast, drop off at Stake Center at 7:30am

  • Judson Middle School

  • Leslie Middle School

  • (Crossler is being provided for by another group)


  • September 3rd - Sign up to bring food for staff breakfast, drop off at Stake Center at 9am

  • McKinley Elementary

  • Battle Creek Elementary School

  • Wright Elementary School

  • Morningside Elementary School

  • Sumpter Elementary


  • For questions regarding high school/middle school breakfast sign-ups please contact Hillary Warner. For questions regarding elementary school breakfast sign-ups please contact Ricki Decker.


  • ​No choir in the month of May

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  • Sister Allison Marley will be conducting the choir and they will only have 3 Sundays to practice starting on Sunday 8/18. They will be learning and singing 3 songs! The practices will be at the Stake Center chapel from 5-6:30pm. They are asking that each ward/branch have AT LEAST 2 YW and 2 YM participate, but more is ALWAYS welcome!

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  • Activity days will be the Second and fourth Wednesday from 7 to 8 PM at the church. If parents have any questions they can call Jessica Ritchie 503-881-1116​​

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  • The weekly Adult Institute meet at 10:30am each Thursday in the Young Woman's room.


  • First and Third Tuesdays at 6pm are stake temple recommend interviews​

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  • We will be starting a new "Grieving with the Savior" grief support group. This will be the last session until September. We will meet for 8 weeks on Sundays in the Relief Society room of the Salem Orgon Stake Center. If you have any questions, please reach out to​

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  • Ward Service project:
    Saturday March 2 @9:00am
    Help clean and repair the Stayton Kiwanis food cart. Meet at 9704 Golf Club Rd. SE. 

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  • Beginning January 9, 2024 we will be providing early morning endowment and initiatory ordinances.  The early morning endowment sessions will be held at 6:00 and 7:00 a.m., and the initiatory ordinances will be held at 6:00, 6:30, 7:00, and 7:30 a.m.​

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  • Beginning Tuesday, February 6, 2024 we will have a mid-shift, which means that all of the temple ordinances will be available throughout the day on Tuesday.​

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  • We are excited to announce the Stake will be holding Missionary preparation classes starting this month for all youth ages (turning) 16 to 18yrs old. The classes will be held on Sundays from 4pm – 5pm, in the High Council room at the Stake Center. The classes will be taught by the full-time missionaries serving in our stake, using the 'Adjusting to Missionary Life' booklet.

  • The class titles and scheduled dates are as follows:

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  • February 18th: Preparing Mentally

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  • February 25th: Preparing Physically

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  • March 3rd: Preparing Emotionally

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  • March 10th: Preparing Socially

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  • March 17th: Preparing Spiritually

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  • If you have any questions, please contact Tony Decker (member of the Stake High Council) at (503) 569-5585. Thank you!​

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  • The youth have opportunities to participate in leadership roles in the baptistry.​

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  • Getting ready for the Stayton Ward Sunday Sacrament Christmas program. If you or a family member would like to perform a special musical number please see Sheree Frazier to reserve your spot. Phone #5413910787. Ward choir announcement will follow​

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  • Activity days will be the Second and fourth Wednesday from 7 to 8 PM at the church. If parents have any questions they can call Jessica Ritchie 503-881-1116​​

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  • As a new stake young men’s presidency, we wanted to introduce ourselves and reach out in a hand of fellowship and love. We are humbled by our new responsibilities and desire to follow the Lord’s will in this great work. We have been reading in the Church Handbook of Instruction as follows, “Your presidency’s focus is to guide and support ward Aaronic Priesthood leaders as they help the young men increase their faith in Jesus Christ and progress along the covenant path toward receiving the Melchizedek Priesthood and making temple covenants.” We hope to connect with you on a regular basis by sending regular emails, phone calls and by attending your quorum classes and activities when appropriate. We hope to serve you and your young men in whatever way we can. We hope you will feel comfortable reaching out to us for anything you may need. We pray for you and the young men of this stake. May the Lord bless each one of us as we participate in this great work. Dustin Sellers YM President (503)991-6290, Rich Trussell 1st Councilor, (503)881-4133, David Jacobson 2nd Councilor, (503)510-2536, Lane Foulger Secretary, (503)910-2671​

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  • Bottle Drive - Empty bottles and cans needed. The ward youth will take those bottles to recycling to earn money for the youth program. Contact Archer Forson (541-248-7071) or Sierra Wallace (702-572-1495) to coordinate pickup.​

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  • Canned Food Drive - Bring some canned food for Thanksgiving and Christmas for needy families. Box in foyer by door.​​​​​​

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  • Linger Longer after church every last Sunday each month​​

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  • Ward Institute Class every Thursday Morning. The weekly Adult Institute class is discussing the New Testament. They use the current Institute manual for the class, 10:30am each Thursday in the Young Woman's room​

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  • Need help with genealogy, Family Search, or Roots Teck, reach out to  the Temple & Family History Team. Contact Br. Tom Meyer at: (email) or 503-394-2147. One of my team members will get in contact with you.​​

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  • Temple Family History Huddle occurs every Fast Sunday After Church​

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  • Stake Temple Recommend Interviews every 1st and 3rd Tuesday at 6PM at the Stake Center.​​​​​​​

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​There are more temple sessions available and there are open seats in every session. Go.​


Their are opportunities on JustServe. Thank You and Merry Christmas!


Stake Website:

Stake Instagram: 


Stake Facebook: 

Church of Jesus Christ Salem

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