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Salem Oregon Stake

See how members of the Salem Stake commemorated the National Day of Service by arranging and providing haircuts for unhoused members of our community, collecting and delivering meals to teachers and other school staff, and sprucing up a local park in this article:

Salem Stake Members Celebrate National Day of Service Through a Variety of Community Projects


Salem Stake was also highlighted in Salem-area local news in the Salem Reporter this month. You can read their article here: Latter-day Saints bring haircuts to Salem family micro shelters


Thank you for all you do!

Theresa Parr, Salem Stake Communications Director


t-shirt sizes for all ADULTS attending Youth Conference for your ward.  If you could get that to Brittney Singer ASAP that would be awesome. At the Stayton building (NOT the Stake Center) at 8:00am on Thursday, July 18th.  And leaving for Forson’s ranch at 9:30am.  We look forward to seeing those of you planning to attend there. Reach out with any questions!


Youth Conference is just around the corner.  We’re excited to get to spend some time with your youth.  It’s going to be a wonderful few days!  If you have yet to register please do so now. It isn’t too late!  Included is a packing list.  Reach out if you have any questions.

2024 Youth Conference Packing List
Closed-toed shoes
Towel (swimming)
Sanitary supplies
Mosquito repellant
Sleeping bag
Sleeping pad/air mattress
Cinch bag/backpack
Work gloves (for service projects)

Camp chair
Journal (optional)

Reusable water bottle
Hearty sack lunch (food won’t be provided until dinner)
Write your name on everything!


Good Morning! 

We know that our Girls Camp fireside is on the Stake calendar for tomorrow night, June 30th. Please announce  in your wards tomorrow that we are postponing this fireside to a later date to be determined! We will get the word out as soon as a new date has been selected!

We hope everyone that was involved in one of the camp activities this week had a great time and that the Spirit of the "WHY" we hold these activities was experienced. We love the youth of the Salem Oregon Stake and most importantly, so does the Lord.

We appreciate you and the love and support you show us and the youth in your stewardship! It does not go unnoticed! Now, on to Youth Conference!

With love,

Melanie Stones, Jen Scott, Sheena Shurtz, Brittney Singer, and Deon Sellers

Youth Group Leaders,

As you're planning your summer youth activities keep in mind the opportunity of serving the young children at the Church at the Park Homeless Shelter by bringing a youth class to do some summer activities with them. The summer is an amazing time to do this type of service activity because you can do fun outdoor activities with the kiddos at the shelter. You can learn more about this activity at this posting on JustServe.

You can sign-up at this link for a Wednesday night, or if you want to go on a different night/time then just email the Chaplain, Jess, and she'll happily fit you in on a different day. Her email address is


Theresa Parr, Salem Stake Communications Director























JustServe with Me - Summer Kick-off Event and Service Opportunity


Are you looking for an opportunity to serve alongside your kids/grandkids this summer?


On Tuesday, June 18, there is a laid-back “JustServe with Me ” Summer Kick-off Event at Woodmansee Park from 9:30-11:30am. The purpose of the event is to give parents/grandparents an opportunity to serve alongside their children and grandchildren. It’s not a “drop-off your kids” type of event, an adult will need to be with them at the park. There will be popsicles provided at the end.


What are we doing?

The service projects at the park will be geared towards children and youth. The purpose is to beautify the park by doing things like pulling ivy and laying wood chips on the main trails. There will be a few other projects available as well including, making cards and collecting bikes and summer toys for homeless children.


What to Bring:

  1. Gloves, pruning shears, rakes, wheelbarrows and hand shovels

  2. Your own water bottle with water 

  3. Optional: Old/Used/Out-Grown Bikes: If you have an old bike we’ll be collecting bikes and donating them to NW bike hub to give to needy children. Also, if your child has outgrown their old bike and you are in need yourself you are welcome to take a bike home.

  4. Optional: A summer toy for a “Summer Fun” Bucket for the homeless children at Church at the Park Shelter. Things at the dollar store like: Sidewalk chalk, bubbles, jump ropes, beach balls, large rubber balls etc. are great. 



Meet at the children’s play structure of Woodmansee park: 4629 Sunnyside Rd SE Salem, Oregon 97302. The park is located right behind the Winco Foods in South Salem.



If you want to donate to the "Summer Fun” bucket for homeless children living at the Church at the Park shelter, but aren’t coming to the event feel free to donate through this Amazon wishlist link here (by Tuesday) and it will be mailed to the coordinator of the event.

If you want to donate your old/used bike, drop it off at the park during the event.



2024 Aaronic Priesthood Camp (APC) Notes & Packing List

Important notes about camp:
1. Check-in will happen at 3 PM. YM should have already eaten lunch.
2. On the drive to camp, each car should read/discuss the following: Alma 45, Alma 46, Alma 47 and
Alma 48. An understanding of these events will be important for the YM during camp.
3. YM will need to bring a sleeping pad or air mattress.
4. The shower house has flushing toilets and showers with warm water. Bring sandals to wear in the
shower. There are no towels or shampoo in the shower house.
5. There is no cell service at camp. To use cell phones YM must work with leaders to get access.
6. Camp requires a lot of walking. Please bring comfortable shoes.
7. All medication must be in original packaging and turned into camp nurse upon arrival.
8. Write your name on everything! And WARD on everything!
Packing List:
An old shirt that can be torn
Tennis shoes
Sturdy sandals (optional)
Sandals for shower (only time you can wear flipflops)
Towel (for shower and pool)
Baby wipes
Mosquito repellant
Sleeping bag
Sleeping pad/air mattress
Reusable Water Bottle
Snacks and treats to enjoy between camp meals

It’s that time of year again to register for this year’s Youth Conference!  It will take place July 18th-20th, 2024.  All youth turning 14 this calendar year and older are invited to attend.  Registration will close Sunday, May 12th, 2024.  




Young Women and Aaronic Priesthood camp are soon approaching! We are blessed to have a wonderful location to make good memories with our youth. We have been asked as a Stake to provide 100 hours of service on May 18th to help prepare Camp Kilowan for this coming season. This service includes, painting of cabins, trail clean up and general maintenance items on the property. We are asking each ward to provide approximately 5-10 individuals (adult/youth) to help. We thank you for all that you do.


FYI- girls camp kick off is the same day


What:  Camp maintenance and 



When: May 18th 10am-noon


Where: Camp Kilowan           

6510 Teal Creek Rd           

Dallas, OR 97338


Who: Adults and Youth willing to serve


*New Youth Opportunity available*


Salem, Monmouth, and Keizer stake’s youth have the opportunity to serve displaced and homeless children (ages 3-9) as a mutual activity on select Wednesday nights beginning in September. This is an opportunity that has already been piloted by select Salem Stake youth and the experience was both fun and deeply impactful for the youth.


Who: Groups need to be 15 people or less. Any youth group in Salem, Keizer and Monmouth stakes can sign-up (spots are limited).

What: Plan a one-hour “activity night” for the young children (ages 3-9) living at the Church in the Park FAMILY Shelter! The kids love: Seasonal activities like Christmas cookies, Halloween crafts etc. Active games like tag, red-rover, 4 square, tug-o-war, squirt guns etc. Very simple crafts (target age 3-9) Table/board games (jenga, simple pictionary etc) Decorating treats/cookies


When: Slots available for Wednesday Nights from 7-8pm (for mutual activity), beginning in September - January. So, there’s some fun opportunities to do Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas activities with kids.


Where: Church at the Park is a faith-based organization that helps the homeless in Salem have a safe place to live, while also teaching principles of accountability and self-reliance. These activities will take place at the Church at the Park FAMILY Shelter, which is specifically for parents and their children. Safety and security of children is top priority at this shelter.


Questions: Email or text Theresa Parr (Salem Stake) if you have questions or all the slots are filled and you want to join the waitlist.


How to Sign-Up: This opportunity is on JustServe, or you can sign-up directly here:


Thank you, 


Sis. Brittney Singer, Stake YW Secretary 


Now that April is here, I wanted to reach out to give you a heads up on upcoming youth-related activities in our stake.  Many of these you already know about but I wanted to make sure you have them on your calendar and also answer/address any questions or concerns you might have. 


Tomorrow night, April 4, is the annual CES presentation for BYU, BYU-Idaho, BYU-Hawaii and Ensign College.  It will take place at 7pm at the Monmouth Stake Center on Eola Drive in West Salem.  It is for all youth and parents who have any interest at all in their child attending a Church school.  Info at


April 14 at 7pm, Stake Center– Stake Seminary Devotional – led by our Stake Seminary Council, this devotional is for those youth and their parents who will be attending high school this fall.  It will include a chance to register early for seminary and help us plan classes for the fall. 


April 21, 6-7pm, Stake Center—Stake Leadership Training—all ward leaders but, specifically for youth leaders, all bishopric, YW presidencies, and YM & YW leaders to attend a breakout session for youth leaders during this hour.


April 27, 7-10pm, Stake Center – Tri-Stake Prom for high school youth ages 16 and older.  Pre-prom activities by ward (see Stake Youth Committee member for details).  Tickets to be obtained from the bishop (you soon will have these).  $10 per ticket to help offset costs but, at the bishop’s discretion, you can write “paid” on the back for youth where the fee would be hardship.


May 18, 9-12 noon, Camp Kilowan – Stake work-day at Camp Kilowan to prepare for summer activities and camps. Each stake is required to give 100 hours of labor.  This could be a great activity for youth. 


June 9, 7-8:30, Stake Center – Stake Seminary Graduation.  All seminary youth and their families are invited to attend.  Bishops also are invited to participate in the ceremony. 


June 10, 6pm, Pres. & Sis. Kelly home – Stake YSA/Graduating Seniors BBQ – All youth graduating this year are invited to attend. YSA ward hosts. 


June 24-27, All day to 12 noon Thurs., Camp Kilowan – Stake Young Women Camp. 


June 27-29, 1pm Thurs. to 12 noon Sat., Camp Kilowan – Stake Aaronic Priesthood Camp. 


July 18-20, All day, Stake Youth Conference.  Details to follow. 


Our stake youth leaders are here to help you in your service to the youth in our stake.  Part of that includes organizing, planning and carrying out activities that help draw our youth closer to the Savior, develop a firm testimony of Him and become committed to His gospel.  We truly have amazing youth in our stake.  You, as their leaders, are equally amazing and we are grateful to be part of this work with you.  Please reach out to me, Pres. Stones or Pres. Sellers with any questions, suggestions, etc., regarding the youth in our stake and how we might best serve all of you.  


Pres. Prestwich


Young women weekly Wednesday activities:​​​​​​







Your Missionary Scripture could go here.

Sister Your Name

Your Mission Location could go here.








Sister Madelynn Mitzel

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints

12-15 | FRA-LYO

2005 N 900 East, Unit #151

Provo UT 84602 


Memories to Remember:​


Salem Oregon Stake 2022 Youth Pioneer Trek

The amazing youth from our stake participated in a 3 day pioneer trek last summer.

They were challenged, but made so many good memories and gained stronger testimonies of our pioneer ancestors!


May we reflect and express gratitude towards our pioneers who blazed the trail so we can enjoy and continue their legacy of building the gospel on the earth today!!


Click the link below to enjoy the video:​​

This is derived from the newsletter at​

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